Democratic National Convention Resource Guide & Media Toolkit

RATES: including www.letdosomethingfun.coms

Tribute: Some Gave All
Here's Boston!
Media Links: Local Coverage
Media Links Library
Media Links Toolkit
"Bests of Boston"
Concierge Services
Directory of Club Facilities
"Old Ironsides"
The Big Dig
Mass Transportation
Weather / Time / Tides / WebCams
Boston's Pro Sports
Crack-up Laughing
The MTA Song
Site Info / Disclaimers

Boston & New England  Unique New Portals
For What Makes Boston Famous... History & Fun!
Obtain Two Listings For The Price Of One!
Offer Limited  -- May Be Withdrawn Without Notice


Benefits In Joining Us
Clean Format...
If you like the concept of "sign zoning" which protects a community from being overwhelmed by commercial signs that ultimately even overrun and negate other commerical signs...
If you like the concept of "charter" benefits... which afford preferences to first-in and continuing advertisers...
With the world decending on Boston for the Democratic National Convention, the attending people, from delegates to international media, will spend hundreds of millions of dollars. It will be an intense-but-brief chance to draw attention to your business / product / service. However, by the July's end, IT WILL BE OVER!  
And then what...
It's a good question... and Venue And Events has the answer:  A mirror site which will flourish after the streets are swept of nomination confetti from the Democratic National Convention.   Once again Boston and the Region will return to being one of this nation's best "destination sites" for tourism and entertainment. The Convention may be a boost to your efforts, but it will not be the on-going propulsion for your endeavor.

Linked Advertisers
Company Name pLus Tagline
First Come, First Listed-On-Page-By-Catagory Basis
Present Thru May 31, 2005
Linked Page Sponsors
$1,000 - $5,000
Call For Rates Which Are Page Dependent
Additional Pages of Interest To Be Added
Exclusive Bottom-Of-Page Listing
Tagline PLUS Other Words
Present thru May 31, 2005

No Website... No Problem!

Special Home Page Price $150
Researching & Registering a unique URL which your will own.*
Home Page with a picture and text provided by you.
(Unlimited if text file or 250 words if entered.)
Online in approximately two working days. 
Basic Sites of 4-5 pages available.
Click on Fast Read
Client is responsible for url fee (currently $8.95/year)
and hosting (currently $4.95/ month)  

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Must I advertise in to be included in
A.  No.  If you only want to be linked in the latter, you may.  There is no rate concession.
Q.  Suppose I don't have a website?
A.  For a modest fee, we can create work with you to obtain a webname (url) and build a HOME PAGE or more depending on your desire and budget. 
Q. How quickly can this new site be online?
A.  Generally, we can launch your HOME PAGE within 48 hours.
Additional pages will be brought online as they are developed.
Q.  What about text pictures and graphics?
A.  Generally, entities not already on the Web have some form of marketing materials.  We will work with them.  Should you decide to build on these materials later, your site can be updated. 
Q.  I'm concerned about not using my logo; I spent big bucks to develop it and it has my tag line!
A.  As career marketers, we really understand.  Rest assured of two things. 1) Your tag line (up to 20 words) will be included. 2) In design, like life, "The Fallacy of Composition" works.  Just as nobody benefits when everyone stand-up at Fenway Park, advertisers do not benefit when every advertiser's logo is competing for attention over others.  People are just as successful in communities with indirectly lit signs as they are in communities where neon signs are allowed.  It all a matter of scale.  If everyone always sat at Fenway, they would see the game as well --EVEN BETTER -- than when they are all forced to stand because someone started the standing.
Q.  About your "Charter Rates"... how long will they be offered?
A.  This depends. We have set a modest number of advertisers before raising the rates.  This can happen at anytime.  So, if this site appeals to you, you should lock-in, NOW!
Q.  How will people find these sites?
A.  The Internet has drastically changed since the "free" days of search engine listings.  Today, it's pretty much "pay to play" w/r/t prime listings.  Googles pending IPO speaks volumes of the revenue which these entities are deriving.  So, a portion of revenue generated from advertisers and sponsors is earmarked for "search publicity."  Additionally, we are employing traditional offline marketing concepts to foster awareness. 
Q.  You seem to differentiate between advertisers and sponsors.
Is there a difference?
A.  You're observant.  There is.  Advertisers are entities who acquire links with taglines; these appear with other links.  Sponsors are entities whose linked-name appears at the bottom on a given page highlighted in a larger font and a different color as the page sponsor.
Q.  If there is a page which we wish to sponsor, that does not currently exist, are you open to creating this page for our sponsorship opportunity.
A.  Great question.  We like entrepreneurial thinking.  Our answer is "PERHAPS."  Here's the coop.  If your idea is interesting and general in nature, our answer is "YES."  For, example "British ships sunk in Boston Harbor during the Revolution."  That you are a marine salvage company does not bother us.  However, were the topic restrictive, or even something unique to you in which the page would be really direct advertising, we are less likely to see the page as serving the visitors in general as a resource and entertainment guide. 
Q.  Do you come to my location?
A.  No. unless we are requested to take digital photographs for which there is an extra charge. Otherwise we work electronically passing text and photo files.
Q.  How do I pay?
A.  You may pay by mailed check or PayPal.  If we are there to shoot photos, we will pick up the check or cash.